To create a Table Of Contents, begin by creating Headers to mark which sections you want included in the Table Of Contents. Select the text in your Word document that you want to mark as a Header, click the Home tab, and then select the style for your Header. The font, size, and color will change of the text you selected. Repeat these steps to indicate each Header.

Once you have created all your Headings, you are ready to create a Table Of Contents. Click on the spot in your document where you want your Table Of Contents to be inserted. Next, click on the References tab. In the left corner of the toolbar ribbon is a Table Of Contents button. Click on this and select the type of Table Of Contents that best suites your document.

To select a different style of Table Of Contents or to delete one, click on the Table of Contents and select the tab on the left side of the box around the Table of Contents. To update the Table, if you have added a new Heading or additional text that affects the page numbers, select the tab on the right.

It is possible to create Bibliographies within Word 2010. Begin by creating Citations throughout your document. To create Citations, click at the end of the quote or sentence you want to cite. Select the Reference tab. Next, select the Insert Citation button and the Add New Source option.

A pop-up window will appear where you enter the information required to Create Source. Select the type of source, fill in the required information, and select OK. The citation marker will appear at the end of the text you selected to cite.

To create a Bibliography, first click on the spot in your document where you want your Bibliographic information to appear. Next, select the References tab and choose the Bibliography button (beside the Insert Citation button). A drop down menu will appear; select the Built-In Bibliography option that best suites your needs.
To select a different style of Bibliography or to delete it, click on the Bibliography and select the tab on the left side of the box around the Bibliography. To update the included Citations, if you have added a new Citation, select the tab on the right. You can also select the format of the Bibliography to options such as APA, MLA, or Chicago.
Another feature of Word 2010 is the ability to generate an Index. Begin by selecting the text you want to mark for use in your Index. Next, select the References tab and then the Mark Entry button. A pop-up window will appear. To include each time your selected text is mentioned in the Index, select the Mark All option.
Repeat those steps to mark all the text you wish to include in the Index. You will notice after you Mark text, that your document now contains coding. To view your document without seeing the added coding, select the Home tab, and the Show/Hide button.
Once all the text you want to include in the Index has been marked, you are ready to create the Index. Begin by clicking on the spot in your document where you want your index to appear. Next, select the References tab and then the Insert Index button (located beside the Mark Entry button). A pop-up window will appear with many options for how your Index will appear; how many columns, alignment, bullet options, etc. Select the options that will work best for your document and press OK.
An Index will now appear in your document. To update the Index, if you have Marked new text, click on the Index and then select the Update Index button.
You can also add Comments to a document that appear in a balloon or in the Reviewing pane. To insert a comment, select the text you want to comment about. Next, select the Review tab, and then the New Comment button (the icon looks like a post-it note).
The Comments appear in a balloon; simply type your comments. Repeat these steps as many times as you need to create multiple comments. To delete a comment, select the balloon and then choose the Delete button. You can also change how you view comments by selecting the Reviewing Pane button.
If you have a blog, you are able to post documents you have already created in Word, or create new documents that can be posted directly onto the blog of your choice. To create a new blog post, follow the steps below:
If you want to turn a previous document into a blog post, begin by opening that document. Then, follow the steps shown below:
Once you have created your blog post, Publish the post by selecting the Publish button. Follow the prompts and steps to allow access to your blog (you will need your blog URL, username, and password).
Want to look like a Pro? There are many Keyboard Shortcuts within Microsoft Office that allow for quicker and easier navigation. The wonderful thing about knowing these shortcuts is that most of them are usable in the various versions. So, while you may not be able to find the button for how to create bold text in the newest version, by knowing you can press Ctrl+B to bold your selected text you are still able to use that feature.
Select all content in a document, window, or text box Select text Press CTRL+A.
Press SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW, LEFT ARROW, UP ARROW, or DOWN ARROW to highlight text. To select one word at a time, press SHIFT+CTRL+ARROW. To select to the end of the line, press SHIFT+END.
Copy selected text Press CTRL+C.
Cut selected text Press CTRL+X.
Paste selected text Press CTRL+V.
Bold text Press CTRL+B.
Search for text in a document Press CTRL+F.
Find and replace text in a document Press CTRL+H.
Italicize text Press CTRL+I.
Underline Press CTRL+U.
Decrease font size Press CTRL+SHIFT+<.
Increase font size Press CTRL+SHIFT+>.
Change font Press CTRL+SHIFT+F, and then use the arrow keys to reach the new font.
Change font size Press CTRL+SHIFT+P, and then use the arrow keys to reach the new font size.
Create page break Press CTRL+ENTER.
Create new document Press CTRL+N.
Open the My Documents window Press CTRL+O.
Close a document Press CTRL+W.
Save a document Press CTRL+S.
Print a document Press CTRL+P.
Preview what you’re about to print Press ALT+CTRL+I. In Windows 7, this keyboard shortcut opens the integrated Print and Preview window, which you can also access by pressing CTRL+P.
Resize a shape (Office 2010) Select the shape, and then press SHIFT+ARROW.
Rotate a shape (Office 2010) Select the shape, and then hold the ALT key while you press the LEFT ARROW or the RIGHT ARROW key.
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