What about my textbooks?

It’s almost time for the textbook shuffle — returning 1st quarter and picking up your textbooks for the 2nd quarter classes.


Monday November 9, bring ALL your 1st quarter textbooks to school with you. Return them to the library when you are called down by class to pick-up the bag of all your 2nd quarter textbooks.

Please do not return textbooks this week to the Return cart in the front foyer as there isn’t room for the 1400+ textbooks checked out right now and is just for returning library books right now.

Keep an eye on Schoology posts for upcoming reminders and info.

need a textbook?

Have you changed classes and NEED A DIFFERENT TEXTBOOK(S) than what you picked up at the library today? Let the librarian know!

Check the Grab + Go library table in the front entry of the school on Tuesday and Thursday for your requested textbook(s). They will be in a yellow bag with your student # on it.