Avoid stress and guarantee you’ll receive your YEARBOOK on the last day of classes. BY JUNE 9 make sure you take care of any outstanding issues — pay all School Cash Online fees, return all 1-3 quarter textbooks, pay library fines, etc. Ms. Penner has waived all late fines, extending a little kindness in these unusual COVID days. Only replacement or damage fees remain, and need to be paid for by June 9.
JUST A WORD OF CAUTION: If there are still outstanding issues on your account, you will not receive your yearbook when everyone else does.
**Double check that your library account is all clear here (how-to) >> http://bit.ly/meilibrary
**A quick how-to for paying library fines, including a reminder to email Ms.Penner the School Cash Online receipt so she can update your library account >> https://thebeak.edublogs.org/about/pay-library-fines-online/
Note: if you returned your Q1-3 textbooks last week, don’t worry if they still show on your library account as they may not have been checked in yet